The conscious vs. the subconscious mind
Your conscious mind is responsible for about five percent of your actions. That means it’s responsible for what you do every day without thinking about it. But the rest of the time, your unconscious mind takes over. And it does things like make decisions for you based on habits, emotions, and intuition. Spiritual coaching, psychotherapy and self-help books are often dominated by this huge topic.
What is subconscious programming?
Your subconscious programming begins in the third trimester of pregnancy. This is where you begin to develop limiting beliefs about yourself and others. These beliefs will continue to shape how you think and act throughout your life. They are like mental handcuffs that hold you back from living the life you want.
Limiting beliefs are what keep you stuck in certain patterns. If you believe something negative about yourself, it becomes true. You start believing that you aren’t good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, thin enough, rich enough, etc. If you believe something positive about someone else, it becomes true. If you believe that people will always let you down, that no one loves you, and that you’re unlovable, then you’ll find yourself attracting similar experiences into your life.
The key to breaking free of limiting beliefs is realizing that they are just stories we tell ourselves. We don’t actually see our thoughts as thoughts; we simply accept them as facts. As soon as we realize that we are telling ourselves a story, we can choose to change it.
5 examples of how your subconscious mind works
1. You’re driving down the road, listening to music. You suddenly notice a red light ahead. Then you realize there’s no one else around. So you decide to turn left.
2. You’re having lunch with friends. They start talking about something really boring, and you find yourself nodding off. You wake up feeling refreshed.
3. You’re watching TV, and you hear a loud noise outside. You look out the window and see a car crash happening just across the street. Instinctively, you know you should call 911.
4. You’re walking down the street, and someone bumps into you. You automatically reach out to steady him.
5. You’re sitting at home alone, eating dinner. You hear a knock at the door. You walk over, open the door, and discover a package waiting for you.
What are 5 simple ways to reprogram your subconscious mind?
The brain is like a muscle; it needs exercise just like any other body part. If we don’t use our brains, they atrophy. In fact, studies show that people who meditate regularly are better able to handle stress, deal with depression, improve memory retention, and even increase IQ points.
In this blog, I’ll teach you simple techniques that allows you to break free from your limiting beliefs and start thinking positively. You’ll learn how to change your mindset quickly and easily.
1. Remove blind spots and limiting beliefs
The world is full of people who are afraid to make mistakes because they think it might mean losing something important. They believe that making a mistake could cost them their job or their relationship. And even though many people don’t realize it, there’s always someone watching over you – whether it’s a boss, spouse, friend, parent, sibling, or teacher. This is why most people live in fear of failure. But we’re here to help you overcome those fears. In this article, we’ll talk about some ways to become less afraid of failing.
2. Use Creative Visualization (Quit Worrying)
Visualizing things is one of our most powerful tools. We use it every day without even realizing it. For example, we see a person walking down the street and imagine what she looks like. Or we hear a song playing in the background and imagine what it sounds like. And sometimes we just want to escape reality for a while and dream about someplace else.
But there are times when visualizing can become problematic. If you find yourself constantly thinking about negative situations, you might be suffering from anxiety or depression. In such cases, you should try creative visualization. This technique allows you to change your thoughts into images that make you feel better. You can do this by imagining yourself doing something that makes you happy.
For example, you could picture yourself relaxing in a hot tub full of bubbles. Or you could imagine yourself having fun with friends. By creating these images in your mind, you are changing your perception of reality. As long as you keep up the practice, you will eventually start feeling happier and less anxious.
3. Be Humble
Don’t think you know everything. And don’t ignore your subconscious.
Your subconscious will always have its opinion on things. And you should take note of that.
Humility leads to success. When we embrace our subconscious, we can achieve great stuff.
We should always keep an open mind.
4. Act as if
– How to Think Like A Rich Person | You Are Already Wealthy”
Wealth is a state of mind. If you believe you are wealthy, you probably are. But most people spend their lives thinking about money, worrying about it, and trying to make more of it. They work hard, save diligently, invest wisely, and live paycheck to paycheck. Yet many of them still feel like they’re living hand-to-mouth. Why? Because they’ve got the wrong attitude.
In his bestseller “The Millionaire Mind,” personal finance expert Ramit Sethi explains how wealth really works. He reveals why so few people actually become millionaires and offer practical advice on how anyone can start acting like one today. Ramit covers things like;
How To Think As If You Already Own Everything You Want
Why Most People Aren’t Wealthy And You Probably Are
What You Can Do Right Now To Start Becoming Wealthier
5. Gather Positive Case Studies
Your subconscious mind stores memories based on what it hears and sees. If you hear too many negative things, you will start associating those thoughts with the word “negative.” You want to avoid hearing negativity because it makes you feel bad. Therefore, it’s important to tell yourself positive stories about success.
When you’re trying to accomplish something, you’ll naturally be thinking about how hard it is. This is normal. But if you keep telling yourself “I’m never going to succeed,” you are setting yourself up for failure. Instead, use your imagination to visualize yourself succeeding. Think about the good times you’ve had in the past. Then, write down some examples of your successes. When you talk about your successes, make sure to emphasize the positive aspects. For example, say, “I love my job!” rather than saying, “I hate my job.”
If you don’t know where to begin, try starting with your career. Write down everything you’ve done since graduating college. What did you do well? What didn’t you do well? How did you learn from your mistakes? Now, look over the list and pick out one thing you did really well. Focus on that accomplishment, and repeat it to yourself whenever you feel like giving up.
You can also find inspiration from people around you. Ask friends and family members about their careers. Find out what they liked most about their jobs, and what they disliked the most. Once you understand what others enjoyed doing, you can apply those same skills to your life.
Your subconscious mind is complex and trying to program it can be difficult. A good way to begin is to try things which resonate with you for 28 days and review what has worked and adjust accordingly.
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